The painting indicates flying lovers: a woman and man where the bride is the Chagall's wife and the groom is Chagall himself. This painting depicts his interest in challenging the force of gravity, where he indicates flying is normal like breathing. Meaning in this painting gravity doesn't work. With this artwork, the artist shows us two amazing towns, which are easy to locate. The bright blue colour that appears behind the painting and partially on the ground shows the Eiffel tower. Also beneath it, the artist paints the Vitebsk city.

The right side of the picture shows the roofs where the city is bent under the soaring tower and the flying angel. Due to Chagall's love for Paris, where he got the freedom to do different paintings, he connects the two cities calling Paris his Vitebsk. In the same painting, Chagall shows different animals, including a calf, a goat, a rooster and a ram. There is also a goat violinist who is one of the common symbols he used in his paintings. Besides, there are biblical roots attached to it where the animals appear to be sacrificed. On one hand, the sacrifices are a sign of the atonement of sins, while the other hand, a symbol of harmony and purity.

Chagall's painting's joyful, enthusiastic and lively tone describes more on the second meaning, which is harmony and purity. Also, the use of roosters and goats indicates Chagall's lovers like it is the song of songs, a psalm of unity and love of fanatics with nature. On the rooster, Chagall presents a violinist inside it like a baby in the mother's womb, which is also shown in other paintings like the cattle dealer.

These pregnancy images in Chagall's works mostly show woman's kindness and strength coming from inside, linking two persons into one. Now here, the betrothed on rooster's belly appears dragging the lovers superbly and happily from the ground. Hence, the dual sun sparkles as the goats and angels fly, making the roads link Paris and Vitebsk. The violinist in the painting depicts the creativity of the artist. Similarly, to other Chagall paintings, love was the core principle which inspired him. According to him, love is the central power that makes lovers leave their comfort areas to awesome ones.